Evolve With Love

Lately some deep thoughts have been surfacing, having to do with complicated issues…which led me to form these words:

Do you grow light,
or do you grow dark…
in the flicker of someone else’s happiness?
Choose to be a conduit of selfless love.

I recently created the piece below with the subject of love in mind.  I guess this subject has been on my mind a lot, whether good or bad.  Exploring this area so fully is new for me.

There is always hope…

…with love as an anchor.

I created the above piece using a fishing weight that I found during one of my beach outings many months ago.  And I think that you already know that feathers (like the one I used above) are a regular find for me.

It’s pretty amazing to me how these symbols of hope (feathers) and love (my interpretation of the fishing weight) are everywhere…if we choose to be in the moment and really look.

BTW, the typed text that you see on the canvas is from a portion of a poem that I wrote years ago.  Recently, after reading it over I decided that the words did not feel like a good fit anymore.  So I tore away the excess, and was surprised to find that the remaining words still spoke to me.  Isn’t it interesting how you can repurpose even a poem?  Maybe we can reinvent or repurpose ourselves, by stripping away the parts we would like to leave behind, revealing an evolved self, a truer self…a better self.

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. love your depth + height + heart

    June 25th, 2012

  2. This is lovely! And I love how you were able to “repurpose” your words! Maybe this is part of the weathering process we go through as we travel this world?

    June 25th, 2012

  3. That’s beautiful Becky! And…that little mini weight that you found is so cool…I love the #2!

    June 26th, 2012

  4. OMG Becky you amaze me every single time with your art and with the story that’s behind it. Simple yet so deep canvas full of meaning. I’m speechless.

    June 26th, 2012

  5. laura huffman

    do enjoy your soul searching. always produces such unique and interesting pieces. thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    June 26th, 2012

  6. Patricia Wolf

    So beautiful and heart felt Becky. Your spirit inspires me!

    June 26th, 2012

  7. a heARTful life

    Like all the wonderful people who visit your soulful site, Becky, I genuinely appreciate your seeking and findings…your life’s art! The thought of letting go of past perceptions resonates with me. I like to embrace the sense that we move to newer views of ourselves, not because our past was “bad” but because progress is the law of Life. Our unfoldment continually reveals the depth of our wholeness and beauty in all its stages and development…already complete, full, miraculous in every moment. Shedding the excess is simply the process of making space for our refined expressions of who we are as we go through life with awareness and honesty….wahooo! Thank you again for sharing your gifts and spurring reflection!

    June 26th, 2012

  8. Hope Amen

    Dear Becky,
    Coming full circle to find new meaning in past thoughts is so very profound. The piece is lovely and full of your spirit.
    Hope xo

    June 26th, 2012

  9. Beautiful words and artwork! May we all strive to be conduits of love. Reading your words and the comments brings to mind the beauty of a rose. It is beautiful in each stage from the tiniest bud through the process of fully blossoming. I think we are like the rose. May we embrace our own beauty at every stage of our lives while we continue to blossom and grow into our best selves. Thanks for sharing yourself so freely. You certainly “grow light” through your art, your words, and the thoughts and words you inspire in others.

    June 26th, 2012

  10. This is absolutely beautiful! I love that you kept half the poem!

    June 26th, 2012

  11. I love how tearing the poem revealed a different side of it – so beautiful.
    We are, and then we think and grow, and then we change, and begin it all again…. lovely post Becky!

    June 27th, 2012

  12. This is really pretty…I especially the use of the weight! You have really inspired to see things in a different way. I really appreciate that!

    Have a joy-filled day Becky!

    June 28th, 2012

  13. It is amazing! I love to gather words and make new thoughts…
    Yours is beautiful… half the poem lends to a cherished new view!

    June 28th, 2012

  14. I love the fishing weight, what a cool find.
    I use art to process thoughts and emotions often. I am so grateful that you share your thoughts and how your art ‘comes to be’, I’m always inspired!

    June 28th, 2012

  15. Linda K

    How beautifully this has all come together Becky. Your thought on repurposing a poem reminds me of word play I sometimes do to “create ” a poem. I gather words and phrases clipped from magazines, put them all in an envelope and then randomly choose 5 or so and rearrange them to form a poem. This canvas makes me happy and peaceful so I imagine it’s because of the loving spirit that created it.Thank you.

    June 28th, 2012

  16. Becky your project is beautiful as always, but when I read that last little bit about the poem… I felt a big lump in my throat. Your idea “we can reinvent or repurpose ourselves, by stripping away the parts we would like to leave behind” is beautiful in and of itself, and I found myself feeling joy after reading them.

    July 1st, 2012

  17. Ahh yes to improve and repurpose our lives is a lifetime challenge. Your piece is wonderful and how special to use your very own poetic words.
    In reading your previous post (because I am terribly behind)…Happy Anniversary and many more years together. Happy and Safe Fourth of July Dear…

    July 1st, 2012

  18. This is as deep as it is beautiful. The repurposed poem is perfection. I hope that working on this project has brought you closer to finding peace. Your artwork is always so meaningful. So glad I stopped by tonight.

    July 1st, 2012

  19. Deb

    I love this little canvas & how you have repurposed your poem to represent you NOW ♥

    Happy Anniversary Wishes & Happy July 4th!

    July 4th, 2012

  20. “Maybe we can reinvent or repurpose ourselves, by stripping away the parts we would like to leave behind, revealing an evolved self, a truer self…a better self.” such beautiful words!

    July 5th, 2012

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