Birthday Cake for Breakfast!

August 1, 2009

August 1, 2009

Every year for my birthday I start the day by indulging in a slice of decadent cake for breakfast.  For me, celebrations of any kind always involve a sweet tasty treat.  There’s nothing like some good old-fashioned chocolate cake to kick things off!

This morning there were also presents involved.  My technically gifted and thoughtful husband designed this blog just for me.  What a perfect way to mark my 41st birthday!

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Happy belated birthday, to you, Becky. And cheers to the birth of your new blog. It’s beautiful and I look forward to visiting often.


    August 3rd, 2009

  2. Deborah Morgenthal

    Happy Birthday, Becky.

    You are the third person I know who has an August 1 birthday. In fact, many of my friends are Leos. I’m a Pisces, proving (or not!) that opposites attract!

    Your website and blog look wonderful, and I love the idea of clearing the clutter in one’s mind in order to see more clearly. That’s why I practice yoga.

    I look forward to more of your entries.

    Peace, (and another piece of cake…)


    August 4th, 2009

  3. becky

    Hi Deborah,
    And you know what else clears the mind? Spending time with good company at the beach. I just saw Jenny last week in Maine and she’s posted a couple of pics of our get together on her blog.

    To Peace and Clarity,

    August 4th, 2009

  4. Happy Birthday a little late, I stopped by to thank you for posting on my blog article The Mustard Jar Club. I had a lot of fun creating the post, just like the fun I have repuposing and upcycling found objects and everyday castoffs. I love the new publication Green Crafts from Stampington! Your work is absolutely fantastic. Great hubby too, to start this blog for you!!


    August 5th, 2009

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