Branches and Bracelets

Bill recently spotted this teeny tiny empty nest in one of our bushes.  The nest looked to be abandoned so we thought it was probably okay to keep it. 


Here’s another look.  The woven branches are incredibly delicate and intricate…what a marvelous work of art.  I imagine that each piece was carefully chosen and spun expertly into place…oh, what I’d give to watch the actual constuction taking place.  And notice the sparseness of the bottom of the nest – you can easily see my palm through it, making it seem whispy and almost light as air. 


As you probably already know I’m bird-crazy.  To me they represent all things uplifting.  Here are a couple of bracelets that I created using words inspired by my favorite little creatures.  I chose to use minimal materials for my bracelets in keeping with the quiet beauty of a nest.  It also felt right to use clean and clutter-free color.   Lately I’ve been craving all things quiet – some space to breathe and be still. 




And here’s a bracelet that I created using one of Jenny Doh’s (someone I admire a great deal) favorite words, “begin.”   


Being around nature has a way of stirring up thoughts and feelings that normally rest deep within me.   As a show of appreciation, I attempted to capture some of mother nature’s beauty by using mini stone beads stacked in a row, visually hinting at a small segment of branch.   I realize that compared to the real thing my basic interpretation is a mere shadow, but nonetheless I had to try.  And it felt good to try…it always feels great (almost a release at times) to try and create what I see, think, imagine.


For the next week or so I’ll be away on vacation with my family.   This break comes at just the right time since I’m whole-heartedly ready for some old-fashioned fun and bonding time.   To keep things simple and easy, we’re planning to spend a couple of days at our Maine place and then drive over to Camden, Maine for several more days of downtime.   So far our itinerary is pretty open which is perfect since this gives us the luxury and space to casually roam. 

Enjoy the sweetness of summer and I’ll be back in 10-12 days.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Lisa Leo

    Becky, Something else we “share” – a love for birds! I keep a list of birds that have visited my yard – a list that is well over 30 varieties now! – and yesterday I spotted one to add to that list – a yellow warbler. My family laughs at me, but that’s okay – I’m glad I can amuse them, haha! Anyway, I have quite a collection of nests in my home – scattered all over – and I decided to bring them together yesterday in the cubbies of a crate I have on the wall in my kitchen. I painted the inside of each cubbie so the nest would show up better. And I still have 6 more nests that I didn’t fit into the crate!! Anyway, after that long story I want to tell you I really love your bracelets and might try my hand at making one. Oh, and my son went to furniture making school in Camden – I LOVE that little town – it’s so neat!

    Have a fun vacation!

    July 28th, 2010

  2. I also find myself inspired by nature. It must have seemed like such a gift finding that birds nest and I love the bracelets you created.

    Have fun on your vacation.

    July 28th, 2010

  3. i certainly need to welcome nature more into my life. since i work from home, it’s easy to focus on things indoors. the nests are a wonderful backdrop to your always beautiful creations. have an AMAZING vacation with your family.

    July 28th, 2010

  4. These are lovely; I love nature and the peaceful awe it instills. When truly one looks they always will be inspired by the gifts that nature provides!
    I love nests, shells, dried flowers, rocks…I need a room or maybe a wall to display my gathered inspiration. I tend to spread it out in random all over the house.

    I love the words you chose and your eye for details!

    Enjoy your escape to Maine; I hope the weather is wonderful and your spirit is renewed! I am still trying to hatch a plan to make it up that way, this Fall. I have fond memories of Camden; we use to hike the mountains and try to go see celebrities when they were filming movies.
    It is an unique place….great food, nature and shopping all surrounded by a breathtaking view of the bay! There’s no place like home…

    July 28th, 2010

  5. Becky, these bracelets are beautiful! I really particularly love the one you made with the word ‘begin.’ There is just so much in that fabulous word! Enjoy your time in Maine! I’m jealous! LOL!

    July 28th, 2010

  6. Suz

    What a moving post, nest, bracelet and birds.They are also very important to me. A friend and I did a retreat on the spirituality of birds a couple years ago. It practically created itself.

    July 28th, 2010

  7. i absolutely love how you always allow your materials to speak for themselves…..and to show off their natural beauty! you always create from your heart, and it shows in everything you do, becky! enjoy your rest time with your sweet family!!! xoxo

    July 28th, 2010

  8. oh becky
    i too LOVE birds and all things connected with them.
    thank you for sharing your little nest and the wonderful pieces they inspired.
    as always…
    they are beautiful.
    i do hope you enjoy your time “unplugged”…with your precious family.
    EXHALE my dear friend.
    i.ll be eager to hear your tales when you return.
    prayers of safety to you as well.

    July 28th, 2010

  9. diana smith

    Love the bracelets Becky! I’m working on pins that are made of wool loops, vintage lace, and parts of old earrings. They look like little nests! Have a wonderful, peaceful vacation.

    July 28th, 2010

  10. I love the bracelets, especially “begin” it is such a powerful word. Enjoy your vacation.
    love me 🙂

    July 29th, 2010

  11. Becky, these are all wonderful! I love what you did with the nest. I am supremely jealous to think of you in KBPT and Camden….have a splendiforous time!

    July 31st, 2010

  12. sweet becky!

    i do hope you are having a wonderful vacation with your family.
    enjoying your time together…
    your time of being “unplugged”!!

    i have missed visiting you as i have just returned from 2 family vacas.

    sending you love and safe travels!


    August 5th, 2010

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