Red Bow Dress

In the current issue of Somerset Apprentice

…you’ll see my article, which includes specific, step-by-step instructions to create this mini dress on a 4″x4″ canvas.

The body of the dress was cut from a piece of recycled wool sweater (this is why I always keep my scraps.)  And the tiny red bow with extra long tails is just a plain piece of string…I bet you all have plenty of string staples to choose from.

Within the article you’ll also find the details on how to create stamped metal tags like this one.

I like how the single red bow accent pops.  To keep the rest of the elements on the quieter side, I added just a tiny touch of glimmer…sometimes a vintage glass button is all you need.

16 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. This is lovely Becky! Congrats on another lovely publication.

    September 7th, 2011

  2. This is just so pretty, soft, lovely and delightful. Thank you for sharing another little piece of you.
    love me 🙂

    September 7th, 2011

  3. As always, love what you create. You have such a wonderful ability to distill things down into their purest sense. I so admire that!

    September 7th, 2011

  4. I love this canvas, and thank you for sharing so that we could try something like that. The dress is so lovely, I want it in my closet! 🙂 Everything is so well balanced – the colors, the accent of the red, the metal, just wonderful! This piece is so inspiring, I want to make something my self! You truly are an inspiration to me Becky.

    September 8th, 2011

  5. This is how I dress, I love my earth tones with a pop of color ;D
    Your elements always inspire; it is the touches the draw the eye in~
    It is a lovely issue; I have it and still am lingering over all the creations!
    Thanks Becky! xXx

    September 8th, 2011

  6. this is so sweet! i’ll be sure to look for the tutorial and give it a try. TFS! 🙂

    September 8th, 2011

  7. If anyone has questions about this project, please feel free to email me or simply leave your question as a comment to this post. And I’ll either answer it here or via email (whichever way you’ve chosen to reach me.)

    September 8th, 2011

  8. Ann Marie

    Oooo! I likey! I’ll put that magazine on my “to get” list — lol.
    I think I can start a whole library of Becky Shander articles …. which I love btw…..

    September 8th, 2011

  9. I haven’t seen this issue yet. Thanks for sharing! Love it.

    September 8th, 2011

  10. Ivy

    Just a lovely dress!! I love how you take the simplest items and turn them in artwork. I am watching a documentary called the Cats of Mirikitani and it is a wonderful story of a Japanese former pow who paints cats and the internment camp he was in and lived and painted on a street corner in New York. An artist does not need much to create, just a belief in who they are and a few simple tools. You are a true artist!

    September 8th, 2011

  11. Congratulations Becky. I was just looking in the latest Somerset Apprentice and saw your name so proudly right there. So simple yet elegant and so totally your style. Blissful inspirations to you…

    September 9th, 2011

  12. lovely feature, becky! i always love those beautiful little touches you add to your projects……it’s amazing what a pretty little glass button can do! the perfect touch, i’d say! you always inspire me! xoxox

    September 11th, 2011

  13. Beautifully done, as always. You’ve got such talent, my friend. :o)

    September 12th, 2011

  14. congrats dear becky!
    & dear, you know how to
    dress up for life.
    yes you do.
    & you look goooooood.

    September 12th, 2011

  15. a new read for me to find, and it looks lovely.
    congrats on you on your article.

    September 13th, 2011

  16. Last Minute Lynn


    September 25th, 2011

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