Ah, Maine

This past weekend we finally made it to our getaway place in Kennebunk, Maine.   It’s less than a two hour drive from where we live, but our schedules have been so busy that we haven’t been back since November.   There’s so much about this place that I so deeply love…most of all, the beach.  Even though it was really windy and cold outside, we headed straight for the shore as soon as we hit town.

To keep my feet warm I wore my trusty winter boots.  And Brook stayed pretty toasty in her down jacket.   However, after about ten minutes I wished that I had thought to wear a hat.  Gloves would’ve been nice too (notice my hand in the photo, instinctively curled-up trying to avoid the cold air.)



However, despite the unpleasant cold we all had a great time together.   Something about this place just feels good.   I think it has a lot to do with the light and the way it hits the water and shimmers and dances through the waves.  And the thrashing sound of the waves make me feel nervous and on edge, yet the powerful noise drowns out my mind chatter, somehow giving me a peaceful quiet.  Then there’s the surprise element of finding treasure that makes me ridiculously giddy.  Everywhere I look there are shells to admire, pick-up, bring home and make into jewelry or keepsakes.  And the sky, I can’t not mention the glorious sky.  It’s all so magical.  It makes me feel so small, humbled, blessed… so happy to be alive.





And look at Mac.  He might just be a dog, but he gets it.  He gets why we love the beach so much.  Every time we bring him with us he runs around like a lunatic full of joy, bliss…so happy to be alive.

Ah, Maine.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Being a Maineac, I get it; People from Maine are called Maniacs!
    You wrapped up my feelings of the shore, it was all about the waves, the rhythm actually slowed my heart rate if overly excited or anxious.
    The lightening is special and difficult to film. I have tried since
    age 12 and still can’t capture it’s magic. Then there is the treasure trove that arrives daily by the tide.
    Sand dollars, beautiful shells and sea glass were some of our favorite treasures. We use to find these beads in the sand, we called them Indian beads, I think they were petrified reeds and then the river rocks…shiny rocks that were completely round and smooth and once in awhile tiny little yellow shells.

    I love the photos you shared and the bliss in you’rs, your daughter’s and Mac’s face!!!
    Looks like you all had a great time and I bet hubby was smiling behind the camera!
    No place like Maine, there’s no place like Maine, ….Yes, I have my ruby red shoes on, there’s no place like Maine!

    February 16th, 2010

  2. we had the same idea this past weekend :-). we headed down south for a weekend getaway. we spent a few hours walking up and down the beach in galveston, tx in cold cold weather. even though it was cold, i enjoyed listening to the waves. it’s not as pretty as where you went, but it’s always nice to be close to the water. interestingly enough i kept looking down to see if i could find a little treasure here and there. the picture with your daughter is beautiful.

    February 16th, 2010

  3. Becky, Where in Maine do you go? My son went to furniture making school in Camden one WINTER and he loved it there. He was only 18 and I felt like I was the worst mom in the world dropping my baby off 14 hours from home all by himself! It was a small school and mostly adults – but he LOVED it and says it was one of the best times of his life (he’s now 27).

    Don’t feel bad – we live half an hour from the beach and hardly ever get there! Did you find lots of goodies? I love to comb the beach and bring home shells, driftwood, etc. Sounds like you had a wonderful and relaxing time!


    February 16th, 2010

  4. Lisa, Our vacation home is in Kennebunk, Maine which is down the road from Kennebunkport (Dock Square.) I think that Camden is about an hour away, further north. Your son was very lucky to have a mom who made it possible for him to go somewhere special to learn new skills. It sounds like he agrees.

    February 16th, 2010

  5. P.S. Mac is adorable!!! I love how his front paws stick out sideways!

    February 16th, 2010

  6. I agree you and your daughter look beautiful! I think Lisa was wise, the gift of trust and freedom; he never forgot and loved it! That says a lot!

    I think beach combing is for certain nature lovers; Some people enjoy the mountains or something other location.
    It doesn’t matter where you are from, it is part of you, no matter where you live. I am not home, til my feet hit the town warf and I’m strolling the shore.

    I grew up 25 minutes from Camden, ME.

    February 16th, 2010

  7. ahhh Becky–These pictures are lovely! Especially since I’m in the middle of Wisconsin right now, waiting on a flight out and it’s cold and gray. I’ll just shut my eyes and pretend I’m in Maine!
    Love your dog too-what a wonderful guy.

    February 16th, 2010

  8. Oh Becky! How lucky and lovely to have a getaway place!

    Thankfully I only live moments from the ocean – I can’t imagine not being able to glimpse it every day if I choose. Sadly L.A. beaches aren’t very charming, certainly not like the one you’ve pictured and spoke of… but still, it’s so restorative and soothing. Many times I have sat and watched and listened and come away with the answers I’ve needed.

    What a cutie Mac is!

    Happy week to you!

    February 16th, 2010

  9. you always have the most perfect way of expressing yourself…..between the photos and your description, i’m ready to pack my bags and head to maine!! it looks beautiful there, and i love what you said about the powerful noise of the ocean drowning out your mind chatter…..i wonder if that’s why i love being at the beach so much……

    the photo of you and your sweet daughter is lovely…..you are both natural beauties!! xoxo

    February 16th, 2010

  10. Becky,

    What a glorious post – your daughter and you look so happy : )
    And Mac – what a sweetie!
    I’m lucky enough to live about 30 minutes from the beach. I often go there when I am feeling enclosed. Just walking on the beach and looking out at the openess always does me good.


    February 18th, 2010

  11. cold, together, happy. the sweetness of life! thank you for sharing this.


    February 19th, 2010

  12. Oh how I would love a day at the beach right now. Thanks so much for sharing yours with us…beautiful!

    February 20th, 2010

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