Walking and Talking…plus a kit and candy

For no particular reason, this morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.   This doesn’t happen very often, but it happens.   And when it does there’s nothing like going for a casual walk around the neighborhood with a good friend.  I’ve just returned from one of our walks and I feel TONS better.  Not only did I get in some much needed exercise, but I also had a chance to enjoy some quality chat time.  The key here is quality, which to me involves back and forth sharing.  We each take turns talking while the other one listens…truly listens.  Taking the time to attentively listen to others is very important…it shows that we REALLY care.   And when others sincerely listen to me as well, this has the power to instantly chase away the morning blues.  So thanks to my friend this morning who helped to turn my day around.

Last month this very same friend wasn’t feeling well.  It wasn’t anything serious but she felt pretty worn down and rotten and not at all like her usual, happy-go-lucky self.   To try and help cheer her up, I put together this apron kit (she’s crazy about aprons!) using a bunch of supplies gathered from my own stash.   I wanted to get something to her ASAP (hoping to jump start some happy vibes) so it made sense to look for items already in my sewing room.



It’s unsettling to watch our friends go through rough stages no matter how serious the situation is.  We always want our friends to feel good.  And if we can do anything big or little to help, we would rush to do so, right?  It felt great to hand deliver this “I care about you”  kit. 

For this kit I bundled together a yard of pink and brown striped fabric for the apron base and a square foot of cheerful floral fabric for the pockets.  I pre-washed and ironed both fabrics so that the making process would be less laborious for my friend.   This way, if the feeling strikes she can immediately start sewing without having to deal with any washing or ironing.  In addition to the fabrics I included a package of vintage bias tape and a chocolate-colored leather button.    And speaking of chocolate, I added a handful of  these pop-in-your-mouth treats just in case she’d like to munch on something sweet while sewing.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. becky
    why does this not surprise me that you were so kind to your friend!
    you seem to ooze with gentle kindness and charity.
    love how you added the button to the bow.
    i can really relate to that gratitude of a friend who really listens.
    i experienced that over the past weekend with a dear friend.
    it is rare in my life, but that is maybe why it is soooo dear to me.
    thank you for your inspiration dear becky.
    happy tuesday…hope your days cleared up a bit.


    May 25th, 2010

  2. Sew Sweet of you! It is those thoughtful little treasures, that mean the most! You both shared and opened up; It is a wonderful gift to have such a gracious friend! I love how, you are showing your appreciation and expressing your gratitude!

    Oooh, such treats and I also love the treasure trove, as well~

    Happy vibes are always great to give out, in spirit, in gifts and in

    You are a rare friend~

    May 25th, 2010

  3. what a sweet sweet idea – friends can make our lives so much better. I had a friend send a card this week to just tell me she missed me since my mom broke her hip. It made my day! And I am sure your apron kit made your friends day. Hope you had a WONDERfilled day.

    May 25th, 2010

  4. Isn’t it touching when good friends send well wishes in the mail? Receiving a thoughtful card would’ve made my day too – these little gestures can mean so much.

    May 26th, 2010

  5. You won my 100 post giveaway! Get in touch with details!
    Great goodies for your firend. So thoughtful of you and pretty, too!–Beth

    May 26th, 2010

  6. WOW! You even got matching chocolate! LOL! What a wonderful little gift! So thoughtful!

    May 26th, 2010

  7. there’s nothing better than an apron kit and some chocolate to nourish the soul! and the fact that the supplies not only came from your stash, but especially from your heart, make it all the more special!! glad you’re feeling less blue after your walk…..xox

    May 26th, 2010

  8. Lisa Leo

    Just the visual of that kit and candy would have cheered me up! What a thoughtful thing to do and I bet it put you in a good mood, too. Ever notice that? When we do things to help others it blesses us, too. Thanks for reminding us to take time to send joy to a friend.


    May 27th, 2010

  9. Hi Becky!
    Glad to hear you feel rejuvenated after your walk with a dear friend. Perhaps it’s just in my life, but I find people who truly listen, very rare. I’m glad you have each other. And …
    What a lovely gift! I would have never thought of prewashing the fabric for the gift, what a wonderful touch. And chocolate too … now you’re talkin’! 🙂
    Happy Thursday,

    May 27th, 2010

  10. Hi Becky! Glad you got a pick me up after your nice walk with your friend. Spending time with someone who helps lift your spirits is always a blessing. Love the special gift you hand delivered to her too. Wishing you a lovely weekend! 🙂

    May 28th, 2010

  11. Aww, Becky… what a thoughtful gift for your friend. We all have our ups and downs, but having friends show they care the way you did here makes the downs that much easier to get through. Kudos to you!

    May 31st, 2010

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