In Focus


This past week Bill has been away on business…all the way to Australia.   Whenever he travels, especially to such long distance destinations, I miss him like you wouldn’t believe.  When he’s away from home my heart literally aches and it feels like there’s a hole in it, very much like the shell pictured above.   And there are other very unpleasant side effects to deal with as well.   For instance, whenever Bill’s away for days at a time,  I feel off-kilter and everything looks a little fuzzy.  Food tastes blander, music sounds a bit flat, the jokes on television aren’t quite as funny, and I’ve even been having a tough time trying to stay focused on my art projects.   It’s just not the same without him.

By the time I publish this post Bill will most likely be safely back at home where he belongs.   I imagine that as soon as he sets foot in the door my mood will automatically improve.  And like magic, everything around me will look brighter and more cheerful.


I took this photo of Bill while we were in Nantucket.  Whether we’re together or apart I’m always focused on him…my thoughts, my wishes, my dreams…these all include him.  He is at the center of my heart.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. So sweet, Becky,
    I also feel when my husband leaves the ebb n’ flow of my being is off.
    His a ways are too long, sometimes 6-7 months, then we readjust to
    being back together again. It is always wonderful, but I am a single parent for a limited time. I find it hard to get use to sharing the responsibilities again. Once, I adjust, all is well! I think the focus is off, when loved ones aren’t in our daily paths. It throws one’s gravity off. He is your sun that brightens your day; the moon that illuminates your heart! I love the photos and your description!!! I am happy Bill is back for you and Brook, I know your heart is at ease and your balance has returned! Enjoy~

    May 16th, 2010

  2. thank you for sharing such a beautiful feeling. my husband went on a business trip to South Korea last month for one week. oh, i felt his absence right away. he is certainly our rock. glad to hear he is back home.

    May 16th, 2010

  3. becky…
    how could your heart get any bigger?
    that was such a dear sweet dreamy tribute to your honey bill.
    i LOVE your hole in the shell analogy.
    i hope you saved that little shell and plan something WONDERFUL with it as it is the portal through which you saw clearly to what mattered most!

    thank you for sharing.
    im going to go love my hubby now!

    May 17th, 2010

  4. Chrissy, You’re right on target (it’s great that we think alike.) I’ve already made a necklace using the shell and I’m saving it to wear on our wedding anniversay which is coming up in July.

    May 17th, 2010

  5. i can’t remember a time when i’ve read a more sweet and touching post! your heart is bigger than big, miss becky……thank you for sharing it with us! xox

    May 17th, 2010

  6. Doreen Carscadden

    aww…..I know exactly how you feel……(O:

    May 18th, 2010

  7. Lisa Leo

    That’s so sweet, Becky, it makes me want to cry! I remember how I used to feel that way when Paul started traveling and how he’s been doing it for so long that I’ve gotten used to it. And that makes me sad, too. I hope Bill got home safe and sound! What number anniversary will this be?


    May 19th, 2010

  8. Lisa, this coming July will be our 13th wedding anniversary, though we’ve been together for 18 years. It feels like we’ve been together forever…and yet it still feels fresh. I have no idea why this is, but I’m glad that it’s this way.

    May 19th, 2010

  9. Becky the pictures you have shared in this post are just wonderful. We celebrated our 10th Anniversary this past Thursday.. I look forward to many more as I really do think we compliment each other beautifully.

    May 21st, 2010

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