Black Shoes with a Touch of Grey

It’s no secret that I like the basics.  And my preference for simple things also carries through to my wardrobe staples.   With winter just around the corner I took this opportunity to stock up on some good hardy shoes.


I picked these classic leather riding boots for those days when I want to feel a little sassy, a little kick-butt, a little Wonder Woman.



I picked these Ugg boots because they’re perfect for tromping around town doing errands or whatever.  I think these boots make my feet look a little Sasquatch-like but who cares, they’re comfy!



And here are some soles that were made for hiking, biking, or anything outdoorsy.



And finally, a pair of pewter grey suede loafers to slightly break up all the black that I normally wear. 



And if you’re wondering where are the heels?  I already own several pairs of these too, but they’re all stuck way back in my closet  and covered in a film of dust.  Heels hurt my feet too much so I never feel like wearing them.  I like how pretty they look, but not enough to go through the torture of it all.  Even wearing flats is somewhat of a struggle for me since I’m most comfortable in flip-flops or even bare feet.  Could this simple preference of mine be a reflection of a deeper longing…the longing to be a kid again?  Barefoot, carefree and dancing in the warm rain sounds real good to me.   Maybe I should run out to the store again and get me a pair of shiny rubber boots….and this time in red!


BTW, here’s a look at the other two items that I picked up on my flea market adventure last weekend.  I love the cup and saucer’s juicy-orange pop of color next to the black and white doll.    The doll’s classic black shoes should work well with any outfit – something I’ll enjoy toying with in the weeks ahead.


7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. i absolutely love your boot wardrobe!! and i’m especially loving that first pair…..the kick-butt, wonder woman boots!! oh yes, i definitely need a pair of those….!

    October 18th, 2009

  2. cheryl perreault

    Ah Becky… I love your photos of basic black…and grey shoes .
    You are arousing the inner shoe-o-phile in me!

    October 19th, 2009

  3. You have it covered! And none to soon for the Uggs, with snow yesterday! See you and your shoes tomorrow.

    October 19th, 2009

  4. I have the same footnotes as you; love basic black, gray and brown..i’m
    all about the classics and the colors of nature. Love all of your pics, but
    the Uggs, love the most comfy!

    I saw the latest issue of Somerset Life, Congrats! your work is splashed through out the whole issue. I love the Crow poem! The line of leaving the safety of the branch, has been me. It is time to stretch my wings again…
    The poem really fit, me. I am working on a list of things i hope to try, attempt, accomplish and then try knocking them off, one by one. Thanks
    it is was like a sign for me, today.
    Love what you do with paper bags!


    October 19th, 2009

  5. Ellen, I’m so happy to hear that you’re planning to try new things again, and I wish you all the best. With an open mind and a willing heart (which sounds exactly where you’re at) you will certainly reach new heights – all so exciting!

    October 20th, 2009

  6. Paulette Racanelli

    Hi Becky! Love all the boots, and those shoes are so comfy looking.
    I run around bare foot, or in my socks most of the day, and my feet have gotten so wide! When I look at my wedding shoes from 28 years ago…I can’t believe I ever got my feet into skinny things!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your art! Love what you do with those dryer sheets!

    Hugs, Paulette 😉

    October 24th, 2009

  7. Okay, now I totally want wonder woman boots too!

    Love that last picture. Amazing.

    October 25th, 2009

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