Stars Everywhere

Through this GIANT door…


Beyond the tiny keyhole…


We saw stars…




During our trip to Europe we stepped inside a massive church and saw stars everywhere.   I’m used to seeing five-pointed stars, but I’m clueless about these eight-pointed ones.  Would anyone happen to know their significance?   I’m considering doing a project using this form and it’s always good to learn about the background beforehand.  Any thoughts…anyone?

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. The 8 pointed star is Islamic – were you in Spain here?

    February 21st, 2010

  2. We saw the stars in Lyon, France. Thank you both for the tips and I’ll look further into both.

    February 21st, 2010

  3. if i remember my bible courses in college correctly, it represents baptism in christianity. that’s all i remember, but good research project.

    February 21st, 2010

  4. I love your pictures, huge door and key hole, you had me thinking
    Alice in Wonderland. It is fascinating to find the hidden meaning of a sign.
    The stars are unique; let us know what you unearth. I came up with the same info as Ludid.

    There is inspiration everywhere!

    February 22nd, 2010

  5. Becky, I found this site that had quite a bit of information and resources to back it up concerning the 8 pointed star. The comments after the article are beneficial, too! Can’t wait to see your star-inspired art!


    February 22nd, 2010

  6. Lisa, thanks for the link. After checking it out, I’ve decided to use balance and harmony as my inspiration. Lately I’ve been feeling slightly off so focusing on the meaning behind these words will be a good exercise.

    February 22nd, 2010

  7. wow…..where to start?!! the door is a masterpiece in itself (and you weren’t kidding about the “giant” part!!), and then to go inside and feel like you’re right in the middle of the midnight’s sky with all of those stars! i’m really looking forward to seeing where inspiration takes you with this…. !

    February 22nd, 2010

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