Leaves and Love

This past October Bill’s amazing Grandma turned 102.  I love this lady…so many do.  At the time, Grandma Marion was not doing so well as she was struggling with some health issues.  However, with some love and support from her family as well as around the clock care from her aides and medical team, she has miraculously improved.  We’re all extremely happy and relieved that Grandma’s days are no longer spent in suffering.  I think this turn around might’ve started right around her birthday back in mid-October.

About a month after this wonderful occasion, Bill, Brook and I had the pleasure of dining with Grandma on Thanksgiving at her nursing home.  We had a lovely time together…eating, talking and enjoying the festive table decorations (there were autumn colored artificial leaves scattered across the tables along with some pretty flowers).  I wanted something to remember this special time spent with Grandma so I took a couple of leaves home, with the intention of making some kind of artwork for her.

Happily, Grandma recently and unexpectedly started up with her reading again.  This was a favorite pastime prior to her falling ill, but she had given this up for about a year as she was struggling with her health.  Thank goodness that stage seems to be over, and now that she’s interested in reading again we see this as a great sign.

I used the two leaves that I saved from Thanksgiving to make bookmarks for Grandma.

One with a dangling tail…

…and a loving, hopeful message.

And one in a cheerful, sunny yellow…just like Grandma.  Her name is Marion, and ones that are close to her often refer to her as “Lady Marion”.  She is the ultimate when it comes to charm and class, and not just for appearances or on the outside.  All around she is kind and thoughtful, gracious and warm…she radiates true beauty.

A sparkly tail embellishment at the top represents Grandma’s shining spirit.

Placing the two bookmark tails together and seeing this photo made me think…

Our lives are intertwined…let all be lit with love.

I’m learning more and more these days about the real power of love, and how it can heal (like in Grandma’s case).  And how it sometimes really does take a village – if everyone chips in the power magnifies exponentially.

Give love and watch it grow.

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Wow Becky! What a lovely celebration! The bookmarks are beautiful with the leaves. I love collecting leaves now…I press them and keep them for future use in something creative! Are you ready for Christmas?

    December 7th, 2012

  2. What a lovely lady ~ I’m so glad she’s feeling better. Your bookmarks will surely bring her good memories each time she uses them – they are beautiful Becky. Have a blessed Christmas!

    December 7th, 2012

  3. What a treasure she must be! And cute, too!

    December 8th, 2012

  4. please give her a hug from the other Marion overseas next time you see her!

    December 8th, 2012

  5. Jeanette in Illinois

    What a lovely story for a beautiful woman!! The bookmarks are precious, all the heartfelt thoughts and love you put into them is wonderful.
    Love is a mighty force, made even stronger when we bond together – absolutely! What a blessing to have her in your lives, and she is lucky to have all of you.

    December 8th, 2012

  6. laura huffman

    so lovely. just reading your post, I can feel how important and loved Marion is. how amazing, she’s reached 102 years old. the stories she can tell. history, thoughts, feelings about what it was like to grow up in an era so different from today. glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with her. we’re spending this afternoon with an aunt who is 93. incredible.
    she will love those book marks. thanks for sharing your (Bill’s) grandma with us.

    December 8th, 2012

  7. Gramma Marion looks truly amazing! You’ve honored her by sharing her with us. I imagine her stories are very entertaining. My mother-in-law was born in 1911 and passed away a few years ago at the age of 98. She told stories of her youth that could have been made into a movie. We would listen to her for hours.

    The memories that the elderly share are treasured gifts that we should all pass down from generation to generation so that our children recognize the luxuries they have weren’t always the norm. I think they’ve lost site of that.

    By the way, I LOVE your mixed media leaves! Keep inspiring us,


    December 8th, 2012

  8. ann marie

    Oh wow — what a thoughtful thing —- I absolutely love it. Did you make the canvas tag or use a regular canvas tag? I love them Becky.

    December 8th, 2012

  9. Ann Marie, I can’t remember exactly…but I think I used computer printable canvas sheets (purchased at Target’s office dept) to make the tag. Cut a tag shape from a canvas sheet and then machine sew around the edges for some definition.

    December 8th, 2012

  10. What a marvellous woman and viewing this photograph it is remarkable to imagine this lady is 102 years of age.
    This was such a beautiful post on so many levels and then to view your special bookmarks, what a treat of a gift that is not only practical, so beauitiful but also containing memories of a special time spent together.
    It surely does not get more special than that.

    December 8th, 2012

  11. Mindy

    She looks great for 102! Have you ever recorded any of her stories? I bet she has lots of memories to pass on. And your Thanksgiving will be a happy memory I’m sure.

    December 8th, 2012

  12. I had a feeling you ladies would understand my heartfelt gratitude for Grandma. Also, I’ve been trying to get Grandma to share more of her stories/memories with us. Sometimes she’s up for it and sometimes she’s not, but when she is we listen with ready ears and then try to pass the details on to other family members. Every drop of information is cherished.

    December 8th, 2012

  13. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us Becky. “Lady Marion” sounds like such a wonderful creation to be in this world.
    Angel blessings, as always, Becky, to you and yours.

    December 8th, 2012

  14. What a lovely thing to do for a lovely lady. 🙂 You made gorgeous bookmarks. I hope she will use them for years to come. 🙂

    December 8th, 2012

  15. Jani Howe

    You and Marion are so lucky to have one another. I appreciate your sharing your story with us. Marion reminds me of my own 90 year old stepmother, who is also a real ‘lady’ and has an inner beauty everyone who knows her appreciates so much. I only wish we lived closer, I could learn so very much from her. Over the years she has shared much I didn’t know about my father (her first husband). That alone has enriched my life in many ways. And I love the bookmarks, Becky — a gracious way of sharing a beautiful time spent with Marion. I know she will love them, as she does you.

    December 8th, 2012

  16. What a loving post for a remarkable woman! Wow…102-amazing!
    She sounds so spirited and lovely~
    I love leaves and your book marks are stunning!
    You remind me of the beauty of one leaf, but the miracle they show
    us when they cluster together~
    I bet Marion just loves the gifts you share-not just the book marks, but
    your generous spirit~

    December 8th, 2012

  17. Hi there! I love how you brought home the leaves and made the bookmarks. Grandmom Marion looks amazing. I’m so glad she is feeling better and back to reading. Wishing you all peaceful season.

    December 9th, 2012

  18. Beautiful.. the story, the gift and how much you all love this special lady. You are blessed to have someone like that in your life, as she is to have you as well.

    December 9th, 2012

  19. Linda K

    Such a lovely and moving story. Marion sounds like such a beautiful soul, inside and out. She has been blessed with a long life, improved health, and a family like you who relishes spending time with her. I spent many, many years working with the lederly and each one has enriched my life in one way or another.I cherish all those moments. Your bookmarks are a lovely remembrance.

    December 10th, 2012

  20. beautiful leaves for beautiful Lady Marion…..created by a beautiful artist! wishing many happy, healthy days ahead for your sweet grandmother! happy weekend, dear art friend! xox

    December 13th, 2012

  21. Bill’s grandmother is amazing! People seem to be living a lot longer these days. My aunt will turn 101 in February and she is such an inspiration to me. She lives in Dallas and we write letters back and forth every week.
    Love the tags using natural elements!

    December 19th, 2012

  22. What a beautiful story. Love does grow, if we let it, and we can heal and grow and love even more.
    Lady Marion sounds delightful, and how wonderful to shine that spirit in our world for 102 years – and counting.

    December 20th, 2012

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