Evolve With Love

Lately some deep thoughts have been surfacing, having to do with complicated issues…which led me to form these words:

Do you grow light,
or do you grow dark…
in the flicker of someone else’s happiness?
Choose to be a conduit of selfless love.

I recently created the piece below with the subject of love in mind.  I guess this subject has been on my mind a lot, whether good or bad.  Exploring this area so fully is new for me.

There is always hope…

…with love as an anchor.

I created the above piece using a fishing weight that I found during one of my beach outings many months ago.  And I think that you already know that feathers (like the one I used above) are a regular find for me.

It’s pretty amazing to me how these symbols of hope (feathers) and love (my interpretation of the fishing weight) are everywhere…if we choose to be in the moment and really look.

BTW, the typed text that you see on the canvas is from a portion of a poem that I wrote years ago.  Recently, after reading it over I decided that the words did not feel like a good fit anymore.  So I tore away the excess, and was surprised to find that the remaining words still spoke to me.  Isn’t it interesting how you can repurpose even a poem?  Maybe we can reinvent or repurpose ourselves, by stripping away the parts we would like to leave behind, revealing an evolved self, a truer self…a better self.

Letter to Bill: Twenty Years…and Forever

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of a very important day – the day I met Bill. Of course, I had to create a piece of art to mark the occasion and it became, along with my words below, a love letter to him. I struggled over whether to share this here but decided I would because this is who I am and what I do. And as Bill joked, it can’t be a bad idea to have a public affirmation of how wonderful he is!

Letter to Bill: Twenty Years…and Forever

Twenty years ago today I very unexpectedly met you – the man who forever changed my life…for the better…in every way.

For my love I created this…

…while thinking of us two.

Together, side-by-side…

…with a back drop of big blue sky…

…you and I.

For twenty years you have been my rock…

…my hope and my joy…

…my love.

Dearest Bill, you’ve made my world a brighter place…a happy place.  A better place…my forever place.  Thank you for a life full of inspiration…

…thank you for all that you are.

Hope, Love and Blog Friends

A couple months ago I received some goodies in the mail from Mindy.  She surprised me by sending over a box full of wonderful things like quail eggs and feathers, empty mint tins and such.  I met Mindy through my blog…like so many of you she has a dear and caring heart.  When I started this blog I had no idea how warm and generous you’d all be…thank you for all the good energy you’ve sent my way.  I’m very grateful for these connections.

Okay, back to the project that I just finished.  Using one of Mindy’s tins (Altoids) I created this box of hope…

…with a portion of a poem by Emily Dickinson inside…

…along with a floaty feather and a “love” necklace, resting on soft layers of textural tulle.  Doesn’t the tulle remind you of the sea somehow?  Seeing it makes me think of a fishing net…

…which makes me think, if you cast your net wide enough, you might find “love”.

To hope and love!

BTW, I originally came across this Emily Dickinson poem through a blog comment from Sonya a while back – a perfect example of how I gain and grow through connecting with all of you…so thank you again friends, both old and new.

Purple Rain Drops

It’s been especially rainy in my tiny part of the world this past week.  And it seems that everywhere I look, the raindrops have magnified the beauty…by seemingly kissing all that they land on…

…leaving behind convex orbs of reflective droplets.

I am in awe of this simple yet stunning beauty…so much so that it inspired me to create these two strands, hoping to echo the wet and wondrous scene from above.

May the crystal clear sparkle of rain drops enliven your view.

BTW, I received these lovely beads as a gift from a very thoughtful Ann Marie.  She very generously sent me a second box full of goodies, which you can see came in real handy.  In the next weeks I’ll be using more of these supplies to make some pretties, which I’d be happy to share with you.  And I’ll post them as soon as they’re ready.

And speaking of sharing, the random winner for last week’s giveaway (feather necklace) is:

Patricia, kindly email me with your contact info and we’ll make arrangements!

Thank you to all who participated in this giveaway.  I very much enjoyed reading your comments – thank you for sharing your summer love list with me…this brought up so many happy thoughts, thank you.

Feather Love

It’s good to be back.

I didn’t intend to step away for so long, but I’ve been in the thick of things.

And I needed some quiet time so that I could take a closer look at the big picture, in the hopes of sharpening my view.

And now this more conscious state feels right…somehow more clear and true.  And I can see things in a new light – like magic, I’ve been noticing the special little somethings.

This more keen perspective is most alive when I’m at the beach, beneath the vast beauty of the sky…

…and the rolling waters of the sea.  Sometimes when I’m at the beach, I can even imagine myself as a bird…soaring and exploring…so happy to let the wind just carry me.

In this mindset of make believe and intense aliveness there’s also an inner quiet and stillness.  And this peaceful tension is only interrupted by the things that come into my eye’s view…like these feathers.

Last weekend I was especially lucky at the beach.  While walking, after every few steps, I kept seeing feathers in the sand…dozens of them!  And these feathers ended up coming home with me.  At home I used soap to gently wash the debris off of each one…

…to more fully reveal their striking beauty.

I try to honor these amazing gifts of nature by using my hands…

…to create something like this necklace, which I’m offering as a little giveaway to one of you.

If you’d like a chance to win this token of feather love, simple leave a comment (I’d love to hear about your favorite things about summer) to this post by next Saturday, June 9th, and I’ll be back the next day to announce the winner.

Thanks for stopping by…I know it’s been a while.  And I hope that you’ve all been well (and happy)!  Happy feather love!

Birdie and a Nest

The new issue of Somerset Studio (May/June) is now available.  And inside you’ll see a couple of my projects in the “With One Stamp” department.

I used “The Nightingale” stamp (“Birds of a Feather” set from Tweety Jill, which contains 15 different stamps) to create this canvas…

…as well as this necklace (collage on bamboo tile).

With birds on the brain (which often happens, especially during this time of year), I used some wire (left over from a jewelry project that I recently goofed up) to create this cute, little nest.

Taking a tangled mess…

and turning it into a little nest feels satisfying.  And it’s an added bonus that this nest comes in handy for housing my beach finds of sand-tumbled stones.

The addition of a single feather (also from my collection of beach finds) seems to add a good measure of balance.

With the weather getting warmer I’ve been feeling especially energetic, with a strong urge to do some feathering of our nest.  So I’ll be stepping away for a couple of weeks while I gather the bits and pieces that I hope will make our home feel fresh and comfy…more modern yet still homey.  Our family has lived in our current home for about 8 years now, and I haven’t done much to it since we moved in…so it’s time.  And I’m excited!  How about you…have you been feeling an itch to do a home makeover also?

Sand and Sea Glass

Last weekend our family was able to sneak away for a couple more quiet days in Maine.  And of course we had to head to the beach for a walk and some fresh air.  On this stroll my eyes were drawn down…

…towards the sand and the shadows…

…and the particularly large clams.  Unfortunately, this poor guy didn’t make it safely back to sea…I think a seagull got lucky instead.

As we kept walking further along the shore, Bill spotted these strange and beautiful rippled marks in the sand.  There were dozens of small patches of these modern-looking designs, all clustered within the same area.  I can’t quite figure out what they look like, can you?  And can you believe how the sea seems to have painted these?

I suspect that these designs in the sand were created by both the ocean waves as well as the swirling winds…remarkable beauty (especially the kind created by nature) usually happens when multiple elements mix and mingle. Nature creates some truly amazing masterpieces.

On our way home I took a quick snapshot of me standing in the midst of marshland (just on the other side of our favorite beach).  Because of the cold and energetic wind, I’m all bundled up…I can’t wait til later in the season when the weather will be warm and calm enough to take off the hoodie and scarf.  It’s the simple pleasures like letting your skin breathe…really breathe, that bring me deep comfort and joy.

After getting home from this inspiring beach outing, I dug out some sea glass (a gift from lovely Doreen) to play around with…

…which I used to make this necklace.  I finished off the piece with a strand of sand-colored silk ribbon…

…and attached it to a tiny, tulle pocket, perfect for my glistening glass beauties.

I also added some pearls (rescued from a broken vintage necklace) for texture and subtle shine…again in shades of sand.

I’ve been thinking a lot these last two days about the relationship between what happens in nature (like how sand and sea will slowly wear down glass, shaping it into something smooth and pleasing) and how similar it is with people and our interactions with each other.  Thinking about this makes me want to be more kind and giving…so as to possibly bring out the softer side of others.  To help others shine more perhaps, both inside and out.  And in turn there would be more beauty and joy in this world…I hope.

Observing nature sometimes helps me to better see what’s in my heart…the things that matter to me most and the things that I aspire to be.  Does nature speak to you this way also?  I have a feeling I’m not alone.

From City to Sea

Last week our family took a mini adventure.  Bill had meetings in New York City, and coincidentally Brook was on spring break, so we all headed over to the city for a few days.  We stayed in midtown so that Bill could easily walk to his meetings while Brook and I explored the streets packed with buildings.

And we stopped by Rockefeller Center to watch people skating (it was so warm out that some skated in shorts).

On one semi-quiet evening all three of us walked through nearby Bryant Park.  I couldn’t believe that there were empty chairs available.

And there were even some stretches of empty benches over at Central Park.

The beauty and romance of Central Park always takes my breath away.

While aimlessly roaming around the park it was also such a treat to catch a glimpse of this bride and groom.

There’s something about these scenes that is so picture-perfect…like a painting you might find in a story book.

I just adore the amazing large and small architectural details (bridges, arches, fountains, etc.) that punctuate the park.

And it looks like someone found his own private shaded spot to take it all in.

On one afternoon there was some rain so Brook and I walked over to MOMA (Museum of Modern Art –  two blocks from our hotel).

While there we saw the iconic artwork of Andy Warhol.

And a dizzying masterpiece from Jackson Pollack.  This painting is so intricate and magnificent that my camera had trouble capturing the details.

We also saw original works from Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, etc…the artwork in this museum blew our minds!

Once the rain cleared I took Brook over to the hustle and bustle of Times Square to meet up with her friend from our home town of Hopkinton (coincidentally her friend was there with her family on vacation).  Brook and I did some shopping together at the American Eagle, and when you do this, you can have your photo taken and posted on their massive digital billboard.  Of course we had to take advantage of this opportunity. It was fun and strange to see a beyond life-sized photo of ourselves in lights at Times Square. Does this count as our fifteen minutes of fame?

On our last evening in the city, our family went back to Times Square for one last time to see the musical, Wicked.  This story is very thought-provoking as it has to do with the basic nature of people (good vs. evil), how much of us is inherent in us when we’re born vs. learned behavior (nature vs. nurture) and how perceptions of reality can be distorted.  It’s about friendship, opening up to compassion and understanding, love and trust…all ensconced in comedy and musical magic.  This show fully entertained us, and also got me thinking much deeper…something that I really appreciate about great art.

After these action-filled days in the city, we decided to finish off the week at our peaceful place in Maine.  I was ready for the tranquil, calm of the sea.

Although it was cold and windy at the beach, it was good to sit on the surprisingly sun-warmed sand.

And to do nothing but watch the rolling waves…

…and to experience the sun setting beyond the still naked branches…

…before heading back to our home in Massachusetts where the blooming pink blossoms were ready to greet us.

I love the city and I love the sea.  I love traveling and I love being at home.  There is a time for everything…and I am grateful for it all.  But most of all, I’m grateful for my little family…and for the time that we get to spend together.

Wishing you joyful family fun no matter where you are.

Spring Articles

Spring is definitely in the air over in my neck of the woods.  All around, the landscape is greening, blooming and growing.  I love all of this wonderful April energy!  And there’s more of this happy, Spring feeling inside the new issue of Somerset Life.

Inside this issue you’ll see an article of mine about making mini booklet necklaces using recycled dryer sheets, fabric scraps and such.

Inside this same issue you’ll see another project of mine (“Teeny, Tiny Boxes”).

Here are some close-ups of the altered matchboxes with some surprises tucked inside.

The how-to instructions are included in both articles.  However, if you have any specific questions, just let me know (simply leave your questions in the comments section and I’ll be happy to post the answer(s) on a daily basis).

Happy Spring and happy creating!

Spirited Legs

Over the weekend my family and I visited Mystic, CT.  It was so lovely getting away.  And on Easter Sunday we walked all around the Mystic Seaport (maritime museum in a historic town setting).  While we were there, these candy colored, stripey legs (belonging to a very adorable 5 year old who was enjoying an exhibit beside us) caught my eye.  And she had a sassy kind of energy to match these bold socks…I picked up on this as I  eavesdropped while she was chatting with one of the docents.  This little gal seemed so confident and full of spirit.  I bet she grows up to do big things…possibly something that requires stepping outside of the box…and maybe something that no one else has done yet.

Speaking of pioneering women, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the first time women were officially allowed to run the Boston Marathon (which starts here in my hometown of Hopkinton). Here’s a picture of this spirited group, before that historic run.

Friday night (April 13th) several of the women who ran in 1972, plus the first woman to ever run Boston (in 1966) will be in town at an event to celebrate their achievement.  If you’re in the area come by and mingle with these trendsetters and hear their stories in a round table discussion hosted by WBZ-TV’s Lisa Hughes.  You can get tickets for $5 (supporting a great cause)…hope to see you there.