I think that by now most of you have noticed that I frequently like to use positive words and imagery in my artwork. This habit has come about honestly, through experiencing many years of life’s not-so-perfect moments. One of my more challenging moments happens roughly once a year. It is during this time that I feel most fearful or confused, yet simultaneously grateful beyond measure.
Every year when I visit my endocrinologist (or when I go in for MRI scans) I’m issued a temporary bracelet during registration. These check-ups relate to a benign brain tumor that I’ve known about and have been dealing with since my teen years. Having lived with this condition for so many years I’ve slowly grown accustomed to it, and it has become a part of normal everyday life for me. And thankfully, my everyday life is good. One of the main reasons why I’m doing well is because I’ve been receiving regular treatment (taking medication and showing up for annual check-ups.) And for many years now, everything has remained pretty much under control.
The reason why I’m bringing up my medical history is because I’d like to share a little more about where I’m coming from…why I like to think positively and how this perspective ends up in my artwork.
Living with my not-so-sunny medical condition has taught me the importance of looking harder through the cloudy skies to find sunshine. And after many years of practicing this skill, I’ve noticed that there are bright spots everywhere – there is a good side to every situation and it’s all about how you choose to look at it.
Life is full of many wonderful things, from the tiniest grain of goodness in simple things like hot buttered toast, to bigger and more meaningful things, such as how lucky I am to have a happy home which I share with my loving family. Bill and Brook bring me so much joy that I frequently walk around feeling like my heart is about to burst from all the happiness that I carry around inside. It’s impossible for me to contain this kind of happiness, which would explain why Bill and Brook are often the inspiration behind many of my art projects.
Before Bill and Brook entered my life my situation was completely the opposite. I felt lost and alone (I had started living on my own since my mid-teens) and I was a MESS. And it was roughly around that same time that I found out about my brain tumor, which felt devastaing to try and deal with both emotionally and financially. Back then I didn’t have any financial support so going to see a doctor was not possible. And I also didn’t have any money for medication, giving me no choice but to try and mentally block out the whole tumor situation. In order to survive I had to pretend that I didn’t have this condition, which was actually really hard to do when there were several strange hormonal side effects to deal with. After many years of struggling (when I had practically nothing, including my health) I managed to land on my feet, thanks to a few kind people who helped me out… it’s very scary to think about where I might’ve ended up if it wasn’t for them. Anyway, fast forward to now…my life is completely the opposite from where it was during my teens and twenties. Thankfully, I’m in a position to be able to afford medical care and for this one giant blessing alone, I feel truly and immensely grateful.
This feeling of gratefulness affects the way I see everything. For instance, below is a bracelet that I’ve been wearing for several years. I love its message, and wearing it reminds me of where I’ve come from…in a good way. With one quick glance at this bracelet I am able to zoom in on how important it is to embrace all that life has to offer. I am reminded that time in this world is precious, and I don’t want to waste any of it by allowing any opportunities to slip by. Wearing this bracelet also gives me the courage to go for the gusto, but at the same time I know that I should choose wisely since it’s important to try and keep my priorities in the right order. Priorities like spending time with family and friends, spreading good messages through kindess or making art…these all belong on the top of my list. Finding a balance and keeping it is key. And remembering to see the glass as half full helps too!
Thank you for listening…thank you for making me feel that it’s okay to share this deeper side…thank you for being a part of my journey.